Kurzus megtekintése

Kurzus megtekintése

Medical Family Therapy
Dr. Török Szabolcs János
Az egyének és közösségek erőforrásainak szociológiai és mentálhigiénés megközelítése
SE Mentálhigiéné Intézet - 81. terem
2023-11-10 08:30:00
Short description and objectives for the course:
This course provides a brief introduction to the field of family systems and health. The focus of the course is to provide a framework for psychologists, physicians, therapists or other professionals on individual, family, and illness developmental stages. Rolland’s (1994) Integrative Treatment Model is the theoretical template for this course. The emphasis of this course is two-fold; familiarity with the burgeoning literature and an initial exposure to techniques and clinical conceptualization when working with families living with chronic or terminal illness.
The objectives for the course are that students: 1) understand the impact and experience of health, illness and disability for individuals, families, and healthcare treatment teams; 2) are able to conceptualize from a recursive perspective the nature of illness in families and how developmental time can constrain, maintain, or enhance family/individual problems; 3) consider how the therapist’s experience with illness in their own lives (personal and/or family) affects their clinical work; 4) become familiar with assessment and treatment of families with health issues; and 5) become familiar with issues of collaboration with the medical community.

Detailed content of the course:

Module 1: Introduction & Theory (hours 1 - 3)
Introduction to Medical Family Therapy (MedFT).
General principles of the field of MFT and Rolland (1994) model will be addressed.
Guiding questions will be:
• What is systemic thinking? How does it differ from individual psychotherapy?
• Why is this discipline important to physicians?
This module will address MedFT guidelines for:
• treatment teams and holistic care,
• unique needs of individuals & families with specific medical conditions,
• increase medical compliance, and
• types of collaboration between various disciplines (continuity of care)
This module concludes with an overview of Rolland’s (1994) Integrative Treatment Model.
In modules 2 – 5, the course will apply the model to different patient populations and conditions.

Module 2: Pediatric Care (hours 4 - 6)
MedFT practices in pediatric in-patient and out-patient settings. The Integrative Model will look at pediatric care and the needs and resources from collaboration between physician, patient, family, and family therapist.
Case study: a family with a child living with autism.

Module 3: Adolescent Care (hours 7 - 9)
Working with adolescents’ treatment compliance with systemic/family interventions. The Integrative Model will look at the developmental stage of adolescences. We will explore the unique development needs, medical care and resources from collaboration between physician, patient, family, and family therapist.
Case study: supporting the family with an adolescent diagnosed with diabetes.

Module 4: Cardiac Couple (hours 10 – 12)
Couples therapy interventions at a cardiac rehabilitation department. Introduction to the Healing Hearts Together Program.
Case study: Interventions to support dyadic coping after heart transplant surgery and during rehab.

Module 5: Palliative Care (hours 13 - 15)
Complex care involving family consultations for oncology patients. Exploring death in the health care system and the need to hold these conversations well.
Case study: Interventions to support families where one of the parents is struggling with advanced cancer or receiving palliative treatment. End of life issues addressed in systemic context.

Module 1

Doherty, W. J., & Mendenhall, T. J. (2019). Medical family therapy. In B. H. Fiese, M. Celano, K. Deater-Deckard, E. N. Jouriles, & M. A. Whisman (Eds.), APA handbook of contemporary family psychology: Family therapy and training (pp. 189–203). American Psychological Association.

Hodgson, J., Trump, L., Wilson, G., & Garcia-Huidobro, D. (2018). Medical family therapy in family medicine. Clinical methods in medical family therapy, 17-59.

Crane, D. R., & Christenson, J. D. (2012). A summary report of the cost-effectiveness of the profession and practice of marriage and family therapy. Contemporary Family Therapy, 34, 204-216.

Doherty, W. J., McDaniel, S. H., & Hepworth, J. (2014). Contributions of medical family therapy to the changing health care system. Family Process, 53(3), 529-543.

Hodgson, J., Lamson, A., Mendenhall, T., & Tyndall, L. (2014). Introduction to Medical family therapy: Advanced applications. In Hodgson, J., Lamson, A., Mendenhall, T., & Crane, R. (Eds.). Medical Family Therapy: Advanced Applications (pp. 1-12). New York, NY: Springer.

Kessler, R. & Stafford, D. (2008). Primary care is the de facto mental health system. In R. Kessler and D. Stafford (Eds.) Collaborative medicine case studies: Evidence in practice (pp. 9-24). New York, NY: Springer.

McDaniel, S. H., Doherty, W. J., & Hepworth, S. H. (2014). Medical family therapy and integrated care (2nd ed.). Washington, CD: American Psychological Association.

Rolland, J.S. (1994). Families, illness, and disability: An integrative treatment model. New York: Basic Books.

Campbell, T. L., & Patterson, J. M. (1995). The effectiveness of family interventions in the treatment of physical illness. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 21, 545–583.

Tyndall, L., Hodgson, J., Lamson, A., White, M., & Knight, S. (2014). A review of medical family therapy: 30 years of history, growth, and research. In J. Hodgson, A. Lamson, T. Mendenhall, and R. Crane (Eds.), Medical family therapy: Advanced applications (pp. 13-22). New York, NY: Springer

Module 2

Gail Simon, Mairi Evans, Francisco Urbistondo Cano, Sarah L. Helps, Ingrid Vlam (2020): Autism and Systemic Family Therapy. In: The Handbook of Systemic Family Therapy.

Goepfert, E., Mulé, C., von Hahn, E., Visco, Z., & Siegel, M. (2015). Family system interventions for families of children with autism spectrum disorder. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, 24(3), 571-583.

Johnson, J. (2012). Treating couples raising children on the autism spectrum: a marriage-friendly approach. Contemporary Family Therapy, 34, 555-565.

McDonald NM, Senturk D, Scheffler A, et al. (2020) Developmental Trajectories of Infants With Multiplex Family Risk for Autism: A Baby Siblings Research Consortium Study. JAMA Neurol. 77(1):73–81.

Pratt, K., Van Fossen, C., Didericksen, K., Aamar, R., & Berge, J. (2018). Medical family therapy in pediatrics. Clinical methods in medical family therapy, 61-85.

Solomon, A. H., & Chung, B. (2012). Understanding autism: How family therapists can support parents of children with autism spectrum disorders. Family process, 51(2), 250-264.

Spain D, Sin J, Paliokosta E, Furuta M, Prunty JE, Chalder T, Murphy DG, Happé FG. (2017) Family therapy for autism spectrum disorders. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. May 16;5(5):CD011894.

Chernoff, R. G., Ireys, H. T., DeVet, K. A., & Kim, Y. J. (2002). A randomized, controlled trial of a community-based support program for families of children with chronic illness: Pediatric outcomes. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 156, 533-539.

Module 3

Tuohy, E., Gallagher, P., Rawdon, C., Murphy, N., Swallow, V., & Lambert, V. (2023). Adolescent Perspectives on Negotiating Self-Management Responsibilities for Type 1 Diabetes with their Parents. Patient Education and Counseling, 107629.

Rawdon, C., Kilcullen, S. M., Murphy, N., Swallow, V., Gallagher, P., & Lambert, V. (2022). Parents’ perspectives of factors affecting parent–adolescent communication about type 1 diabetes and negotiation of self-management responsibilities. Journal of Child Health Care, 13674935221146009.

Perlberg, M., Katz, I., Loewenthal, N., Kahil, N., Haim, A., Chechik, T., & Hershkovitz, E. (2021). The role of autonomy-supportive parenting in the competence, adherence and glycemic control of adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 173, 108679.

Goethals, E. R., Soenens, B., de Wit, M., Vansteenkiste, M., Laffel, L. M., Casteels, K., & Luyckx, K. (2019). “Let's talk about it” The role of parental communication in adolescents' motivation to adhere to treatment recommendations for type 1 diabetes. Pediatric diabetes, 20(7), 1025-1034.

Johnson, D. (2000). Teenagers with type 1 diabetes: a curriculum for adolescents and families. Alexanderia, VA: American Diabetes Association.

Mathole, S. H., Deacon, E., & van Rensburg, E. (2022). Are fathers involved in diabetes management? A rapid review. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 32(5), 526-535.

Robin, A., & Foster, S. (1989). Negotiating parent-adolescent conflict: a behavioral family systems approach. New York: Guilford Press.

Wysocki, Harris, Buckloh, Mertlich, Lochrie, Sadler, Mauras, & White (2006). Effects of behavioral family systems therapy for diabetes on adolescents’ family relationships, treatment adherence, and metabolic control. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 31(9), 928-938.

Zubatsky, M., & Mendenhall, T. (2018). Medical family therapy in endocrinology. Clinical methods in medical family therapy, 293-319.

Anderson, B.J., Auslander, W.F., Jung, K.C., Miller, J.P., and Santiago, J.V. (1990). Assessing family sharing of diabetes responsibilities. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 15, 477-492.

Boice, M. M. (1998). Chronic illness in adolescence. Adolescence, 33(132), 927-939.

Dashiff, C. & Bartolucci, A., (2002). Autonomy development in adolescents with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 17(2), 96-106.

Grey, M., Boland, E.A., Yu, C., Sullivan-Bolyai, S., & Tamborlane, W.V. (1998). Personal and family factors associated with quality of life in adolescents with diabetes. Diabetes Care, 21(6), 909-914.

Lerner, R., Lerner, J., von Eye, A., Ostrum, C., Nitz, K., Talwar-Soni, R., & Tubman, J., (1996). Continuity and discontinuity across the transition of early adolescence: A developmental contextual perspective. In Graber, J., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Peterson, A. (eds.) Transitions through adolescence: Interpersonal domains and context. p. 3-22. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Leung, S.S., Steinbeck, K.S., Morris, S.L., Kohn, M.R., Towns, S.J., & Bennett, D.L. (1997). Chronic illness perception in adolescence: Implications for the doctor-patient relationship. Child Health, 33, 107-112.

Strawhacker, Woodgate, R. L. (1998). Adolescents’ perspectives of chronic illness: “It’s hard.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing­, 13(4), 210-223.

Harris MA, Freeman KA, Beers M. Family therapy for adolescents with poorly controlled diabetes: initial test of clinical significance. J Pediatr Psychol. 2009 Nov-Dec;34(10):1097-107.

Anna Hickling, BPsySc (Hons), Genevieve A Dingle, BA, BSc (Hons), PhD (ClinPsy), Helen L Barrett, BSc, MBBS, PhD FRACP, Vanessa E Cobham, BA(Hons), PhD (ClinPsy), Systematic Review: Diabetes Family Conflict in Young People With Type 1 Diabetes, Journal of Pediatric Psychology, Volume 46, Issue 9, October 2021, Pages 1091–1109.

Danielle Hessler, PhD, Lawrence Fisher, PhD, ABPP, William Polonsky, PhD, CDE, Nicole Johnson, MPH, MA, DrPH, Understanding the Areas and Correlates of Diabetes-Related Distress in Parents of Teens With Type 1 Diabetes, Journal of Pediatric Psychology, Volume 41, Issue 7, August 2016, Pages 750–758.

Markowitz JT, Volkening LK, Butler DA, Antisdel-Lomaglio J, Anderson BJ, Laffel LM. Re-examining a measure of diabetes-related burden in parents of young people with Type 1 diabetes: the Problem Areas in Diabetes Survey - Parent Revised version (PAID-PR). Diabet Med. 2012 Apr;29(4):526-30.

Fisher L, Gonzalez JS, Polonsky WH. The confusing tale of depression and distress in patients with diabetes: a call for greater clarity and precision. Diabet Med. 2014 Jul;31(7):764-72.

Hagger V, Hendrieckx C, Sturt J, Skinner TC, Speight J. Diabetes Distress Among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: a Systematic Review. Curr Diab Rep. 2016 Jan;16(1):9.

Esha Vaid, BA, Amy Hughes Lansing, PhD, Catherine Stanger, PhD, Problems With Self-Regulation, Family Conflict, and Glycemic Control in Adolescents Experiencing Challenges With Managing Type 1 Diabetes, Journal of Pediatric Psychology, Volume 43, Issue 5, June 2018, Pages 525–533.

Munshower, J. C. (2004). Group visits for diabetic patients: One physician’s experience. Families, Systems, and Health, 22, 497–500.

Module 4
Bertoni, A., Rapelli, G., Parise, M., Pagani, A. F., & Donato, S. (2022). “Cardiotoxic” and “cardioprotective” partner support for patient activation and distress: Are two better than one?. Family Relations.

Compare, A., & Molinari, E. (2004). Depression and cardiovascular rehabilitation outcome in MI patients: the mediation role of quality of couple relationship. Psychology and Health, 19(SUPPL. 1), 33-34.

Mahrer‐Imhof, R., Hoffmann, A., & Froelicher, E. S. (2007). Impact of cardiac disease on couples’ relationships. Journal of advanced nursing, 57(5), 513-521.

Rowland, S. A., Schumacher, K. L., Leinen, D. D., Phillips, B. G., Schulz, P. S., & Yates, B. C. (2018). Couples' experiences with healthy lifestyle behaviors after cardiac rehabilitation. Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and prevention, 38(3), 170.

Tulloch, H. E., & Greenman, P. S. (2018). In sickness and in health: relationship quality and cardiovascular risk and management. Current opinion in cardiology, 33(5), 521-528.

Tulloch, H., Johnson, S., Demidenko, N., Clyde, M., Bouchard, K., & Greenman, P. S. (2021). An attachment-based intervention for patients with cardiovascular disease and their partners: A proof-of-concept study. Health Psychology, 40(12), 909.

Versluys, H. P. (1980). Physical rehabilitation and family dynamics. Rehabilitation literature.

Reid J, Ski CF, and Thompson DR: Psychological interventions for patients with coronary heart disease and their partners: a systematic review. PloS one, 2013. 8(9): p. e73459.

Tulloch, H., Bouchard, K., Clyde, M. J., Madrazo, L., Demidenko, N., Johnson, S., & Greenman, P. (2020). Learning a new way of living together: a qualitative study exploring the relationship changes and intervention needs of patients with cardiovascular disease and their partners. BMJ open, 10(5), e032948.

Parry M: Caregiver burden and cardiovascular disease: can we afford to keep the health of caregivers in Canada invisible? Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 2019. 35(10): p. 1267-1269.

Bouchard K et al.: Reducing Caregiver Distress and Cardiovascular Risk: A Focus on Caregiver-Patient Relationship Quality. Can J Cardiol, 2019. 35(10): p. 1409-1411.

Lalande, K., Greenman, P. S., Bouchard, K., Johnson, S. M., & Tulloch, H. (2021). The Healing Hearts Together Randomized Controlled Trial and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Tutorial for Transitioning From an In-Person to a Web-Based Intervention. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(4), e25502.

Module 5

Liz Forbat (2020). The role and value of family therapy for people living with cancer: a rapid review of recent evidence. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care Sep;14(3):263-26

David W Kissane, Elizabeth Schofield, Yuelin Li, Melissa Masterson (2020) Cancer-related communication during sessions of family therapy at the end of life. Psychooncology. Feb;29(2):373-380.

Kissane, DW, Zaider TI, Li Y Hichenberg S, Schuler T, Lederberg M, Lavelle L, Loeb R, Del Gaudio FJ (2016) Randomized Controlled Trial of Family Therapy in Advanced Cancer Continued Into Bereavement. Clin Oncol. Jun 1;34(16):1921-7.

Katsiaryna Laryionava, Eva Caroline Winkler (2021) Dealing with Family Conflicts in Decision-making in End-of-Life Care of Advanced Cancer Patients. Curr Oncol Rep. Ag 27;23(11):124.

Peter Steinglass 1, Jamie S Ostroff, Abbe Stahl Steinglass (2011) Multiple family groups for adult cancer survivors and their families: a 1-day workshop model. Fam Process. Sep;50(3):393-409.

Harrington, A. D., Kimball, T. G., & Bean, R. A. (2009). Families and childhood cancer: An exploration of the observations of a pediatric oncology treatment team. Families, Systems, and Health, 27, 16–27. doi:10.1037/a0014909.

Rolland, J. S. (2005). Cancer and the family: an integrative model. Cancer: Interdisciplinary International Journal of the American Cancer Society, 104(S11), 2584-2595.
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Dr. Török Szabolcs János