Kurzus megtekintése

Kurzus megtekintése

Translational and therapeutic aspects of the tumor microenvironment and the microbiome
Dr. Benyó Zoltán
A vérkeringési rendszer normális és kóros működésének mechanizmusai
SE Elméleti Orvostudományi Központ, Hári terem I. em.
2023-10-23 09:00:00
Topic of lectures
1) New Paradigm in cancer research: what can we learn from the tumor's microenvironment?
2) Genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics
3) The role of morphology in the assessment of the tumor microenvironment: in situ protein and RNA detection
4) Latest methodologies in interpreting big data: visualization and analysis
5) Lung and gut microbiome: general aspects, methodology
6) Immunotherapy and the microbiome
7) In silico models in cancer research
8) Digital pathology, networks, artificial intelligence
9) From bench to bedside: the role of circulating biomarkers and therapeutic aspects
10) Bioinformatics, cloud computing, databases
11) Molecular (r)evolution of colon tumors
12) Translational research and novel therapeutic aspects in breast cancer
13) Translational research and novel therapeutic aspects in malignant melanoma
14) Summary and test exam
The aim of the course, which is offered to PhD students in the second semester of the academic year, is to provide a foundation in translational research and to review biomarker research. In order to allow as many students as possible to join, the focus is not exclusivelyon cancer research, but on translational research approaches and biomarkers. On this basis, students interested in the field of oncology are not exclusively recommended to take up this course. The choice of the topic is justified by new research findings which show that, in addition to tumor cells, the microenvironment and its systemic importance are also gaining importance and scientific attention. The evaluation of biomarkers and therapeutic response will also be emphasized. We will summarize recent findings on the tumor microenvironment, including tumor infiltrating- or circulating immune cells. Another major topic of the course includes the role of the microbiome and other systemic factors in cancer science. We will review genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and bioinformatic aspects.

Lectures will be held in one block from 1st - 3rd of June (EOK, Beznak lecture room)
14×90 minutes, 2 credits.
maximális létszám: 40 fő
2021-12-09 00:00:00
maximális létszám:40 fő
További oktatók
Dr. Benyó Zoltán
Dr. Lohinai Zoltán