Kurzus megtekintése

Kurzus megtekintése

Systematic review and meta-analysis in science and clinical practice I.
Dr. Hegyi Péter
Központi szervezésű kurzusok
2023-09-12 08:00:00
Systematic review and meta-analysis online course.
Students will acquire knowledge in the methodology, characteristics of systematic reviews and meta-analysis in a scientific and practical manner. The course will be practice-oriented, which will be based on the theoretical background acquired from the online video courses. At the end of the course and each practical session, students will present their group and individual projects. The aim of the course is to highlight the strengths and limitations of this scientific methodology, and to teach critical point of view of the literature.
Courses and seminars:
1. The role of meta-analyses in translational medicine
2. The role of meta-analyses in clinical practice and evidence-based medicine
3. Systematic literature search I.: databases
4. Systematic literature search I.: search strategies
5. Questions in meta-analyses: PICO framework
6. Selection in systematic reviews
7. Data extraction in systematic reviews I.: theory
8. Data extraction in systematic reviews I.: practice
9. Statistics of meta-analysis I.: type of data
10. Statistics of meta-analysis II.: forest plots
11. Statistics of meta-analysis III.: statistical heterogeneity
12. Risk of bias assessment I. - general considerations, significance of bias
13. Risk of bias assessment II. - assessment of risk of bias in randomized clinical trials (RoB2)
14. Risk of bias assessment III.- assessment of risk of bias in non-randomized clinical trials and clinical research (ROBINS-I, QUIPS, QUADAS)'
helyszíne: 1085 Budapest, Baross utca 22. Irodaház fszt.
2021-07-29 00:00:00
Maximális létszám: 130 fő
További oktatók
Dr. Hegyi Péter