Kurzus megtekintése

Kurzus megtekintése

Basic and intermediate biostatistics in translational medicine
Dr. Hegyi Péter
Központi szervezésű kurzusok
2023-11-21 08:00:00
The aim of this course is to make the participants familiar with the basics of statistical methods used in the medical/biological sciences. Furthermore, to help the participants to interpret the results of statistical analysis more easily and to recognize possible biases in scientific literature. The course introduces the most commonly used statistical methods, thus the participants get acquainted with the most important elements of descriptive statistics, basic principles of hypothesis testing, parametric and non-parametric statistical methods and risks of decision errors. Furthermore, topics such as survival analysis, adaptation of questionnaires, sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests, and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve analysis will also be covered during the course. Participants also have the opportunity to practice on examples and to get acquainted with the use of SPSS program.
Courses and seminars:
1. Introduction
2. The role of probabilty in biostatistics
3. Statistical aspects of data collection, organizing and representation of the data
4. Importance of descriptive statistical metrics, discrete and continuous distributions in statistical analysis
5. Hypothesis testing
6. Statistical Estimation - Confidence Interval
7. Parametric tests: t-tests, principle of analysis of variance
8. Nonparametric tests (Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney U-test)
9. Examination of correlations: Regression- and correlation- analyses
10. Examining the relationships between categorical variables
11. Statistical considerations in meta-analysis: forest plots, funnel plots, heterogeneity
12. Statistical considerations in patient registries: hypthesis testing, descriptive and comparative statistics
13. Statistical considerations in clinical research: sample size calculation, intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses, subgroups'
A TMK-s hallgatók a programtól külön értesítést kapnak.
2021-07-29 00:00:00
Maximális létszám: 130 fő
További oktatók
Dr. Hegyi Péter