Kurzus megtekintése

Kurzus megtekintése

Translational medicine group meetings and workshops I.
Dr. Hegyi Péter
Központi szervezésű kurzusok
2024-09-23 08:00:00
"This course is exclusively available to students enrolled in the Translational Medicine (TM) PhD program. It features a blend of group meetings and workshops designed to enhance both theoretical understanding and practical application of translational medicine concepts.

Workshops: These sessions will allow students to delve deeper into their theoretical knowledge, complementing e-learning materials. Students are required to attend workshops corresponding to each set of e-learning content. The specific dates for these workshops will be communicated following the completion of the admission process.

Group Meetings: Held weekly, these meetings are essential for discussing ongoing projects and ensuring collaborative learning and problem-solving. The active involvement of the supervising faculty is crucial to guide discussions and provide expert insights.
Please note that registration for this course is restricted to participants of the TM PhD program. Detailed scheduling and additional course logistics will be provided upon successful admission."
További oktatók: Péter Hegyi, Szilárd Váncsa, Rita Nagy, Marie Engh, Brigitta Teutsch, Alexander Schulze Wenning, Mahmoud Obeidat, Anett Rancz
A kurzus csak TMK-s hallgatók számára van meghirdetve.
maximális létszám 100 fő
További oktatók
Dr. Hegyi Péter