Kurzus megtekintése

Kurzus megtekintése

Translational medicine soft skill course I.
Dr. Varga Gábor
Központi szervezésű kurzusok
2024-09-23 08:00:00
további oktatók: Gábor Varga, Szilárd Váncsa, Rita Nagy, Marie Engh, Brigitta Teutsch, Alexander Schulze Wenning, Mahmoud Obeidat, Anett Rancz
"This course is designed to equip PhD students with essential soft skills that are crucial for professional success in academia and beyond. Each module focuses on a key area of personal and professional development, ensuring students are well-prepared to excel in diverse settings. Soft skills are often undervalued in highly technical fields, yet they are paramount for PhD students who must present complex ideas, collaborate with diverse teams, and lead projects. This course provides the tools to build these skills, fostering personal growth and enhancing employability.
Public Speaking and Presentation Skills: This module empowers students to effectively articulate their ideas and research findings. It covers techniques for engaging audiences, structuring presentations logically, and delivering content confidently. Mastery of these skills is essential for academic conferences, teaching, and professional presentations.
Communication Skills: Students will learn to communicate clearly and persuasively in both written and verbal forms. Emphasis is placed on interpersonal communication, professional email etiquette, and team collaboration, which are critical for successful research and networking in the academic community.
Time Management: This segment teaches strategies for efficient time management, enabling students to juggle research, coursework, and personal commitments. Skills such as prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and avoiding procrastination are crucial for maintaining balance and productivity during the PhD journey.
Thinking Smart: Focusing on critical and analytical thinking, this module helps students enhance their problem-solving skills. Techniques for logical reasoning, decision-making, and creative thinking are explored, preparing students to tackle complex research questions and theoretical problems.
Secrets of Success: This final module distills key strategies that have propelled successful individuals in various fields. It discusses goal setting, resilience, adaptability, and the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement."
2022-01-04 00:00:00
Maximális létszám: 130 fő
További oktatók
Dr. Varga Gábor