Kurzus megtekintése

Kurzus megtekintése

Translational medicine group meetings and workshops II.
Dr. Hegyi Péter
Központi szervezésű kurzusok
"This course is designed to provide in-depth group meetings and specialized workshops for students engaged in the Translational Medicine PhD program. It builds on foundational skills to offer a deeper exploration of complex topics, advanced collaborative techniques, and enhanced feedback mechanisms.

Advanced Sessions Include:
Complex Case Presentations: Students will present detailed reports on specific cases or research findings, emphasizing depth, analysis, and advanced presentation skills. Each presentation is limited to 10 minutes to focus on concise and powerful communication.
In-depth Discussion: Following each presentation, there will be a 5-minute session where course leaders and supervisors pose challenging, in-depth questions aimed at testing the presenter’s knowledge and ability to defend their research and methodology.
Strategic Collaboration Time: An open discussion period where peers engage in critical inquiry and debate for 5 minutes, promoting a deeper understanding of the topic and fostering a collaborative learning environment.
Expert Feedback: Direct feedback from the course leader will focus on advanced aspects of presentation skills, such as data visualization, storytelling in science, and engaging diverse audiences.
Supervisory Insights: Supervisors provide specialized feedback, focusing on enhancing the professional relevance and impact of the presentations.
Peer Feedback Mechanism: Advanced peer review sessions are conducted to offer constructive criticism and support, helping participants refine their presentation and research skills.
Reflective Discussion and Follow-up: The course includes a comprehensive review session at the end of each block, where feedback and development areas from the first sessions are discussed and refined. The subsequent block adjusts to include new challenges based on previous feedback, ensuring progressive learning and improvement.

Outcome: The main goal is to cultivate a high level of expertise in presenting complex research and engaging effectively with academic and professional audiences. Participants will leave the course with enhanced abilities to articulate their research findings and collaborate effectively in high-stakes environments."
Péter Hegyi, Szilárd Váncsa, Rita Nagy, Marie Engh, Brigitta Teutsch, Alexander Schulze Wenning, Mahmoud Obeidat, Anett Rancz
maximális létszám 130 fő