Kurzus megtekintése

Kurzus megtekintése

Scientific writing in English
Dr. Fogarasi-Nuber Katalin
Központi szervezésű kurzusok
2025-02-12 08:30:00
1. Introduction 1. (Prof. Makara Gábor)
2. Introduction 2. (Prof. Vásárhelyi Barna)
3. Types of research articles
Competencies: generic differences of research articles
4. Types of research articles, Review articles
Competencies: generic differences of research articles, application of generic features to review articles
5. Case studies and clinical trials, Original articles, characteristics of the IMRaD structure
Competencies: application of generic features to case studies and clinical trials
6. Abstract and IntroductionCompetencies: application of generic feature, application of generic features to abstracts
observation and application of phrases typically occurring in the introduction of a research paper
7. Literature review and The aim of the study
Competencies: observation and application of phrases occurring in a literature review, formulating the aim and scope of a research
8. Test I.
9. Material and Methods
Competencies: observation and application of phrases occurring in M&M
10. Results
Competencies: observation and application of phrases for presenting the results of statistical and other analyses
11. Discussion – The method of Hedging
Competencies: observation and application of hedging, reflecting hypotheses
12. Conclusion and References
Competencies: the practice of hedging methods
13. What makes a good title?
Competences: choosing a good, catchy title for a research article
14. Test II.

Oktatók: Dr. Fogarasi Katalin, Sirokmány Viktória, Dr. Vásárhelyi Barna
1. kurzus:1-14-hét kedd., 2.kurzus 1-14.hét csütörtök
2019-08-09 00:00:00
elsősorban 1. éves hallgatók számára maximális létszám: 2x20 fő
További oktatók
Dr. Fogarasi-Nuber Katalin
Dr. Vásárhelyi Barna