Kurzus megtekintése

Kurzus megtekintése

Complexity and the nature of knowledge
Dr. Eőry Ajándék
Alapkutatások klinikai alkalmazása
SE Semmelweis Szalon
2025-03-17 09:00:00
"Qualitative research aims to explore complex phenomena or to gain insight into people’s experiences and perspectives by collecting and analysing non-numerical data that is rich in detail and context [1]. Although complexity, uncertainty, instability, uniqueness and value conflicts dominate medical education and clinical practice, the impact of qualitative research is often underestimated [2]. This one-week intensive research methodology course is led by Professor Tim Dornan and Professor Martina Kelly and comprises of three full days of facilitated small-group learning and plenary presentations and an international symposium. The course is structured around two parallel themes. The person and their values, which inform the formulation of the research question and its importance to them (Logos (L)), and the project itself, including the purpose of the research, the possibilities for implementation and the steps of critical evaluation of qualitative research (Methods (M)). Upon completion of the course, participants will demonstrate an understanding of the value of qualitative research, and some ability to appraise or approach analysis. References for recommended reading are numbered at the end of each topic and listed at the end of the description.
The structure of the days will be as follow:
Day 1.
Morning session
9.00-10.30- Who are we? - Share identity texts (L), Prof Tim Dornan/Prof Martina Kelly
10.30-11.00- What is qualitative research - group work (M) Prof Tim Dornan/Prof Martina Kelly
Afternoon session
13.00-14.30- What is qualitative research? - plenary presentation and discussion (M) Prof Tim Dornan/Prof Martina Kelly [2]
14.30-16.00- What do I care about? Why might I want to change it? - group work (L) Prof Tim Dornan/Prof Martina Kelly
Day 2.
Morning session:
9.00-10.30- Learning from yesterday and goal setting - group work (L) Prof Tim Dornan/Prof Martina Kelly
10.30-11.00- How do you analyse data? - group work on concepts (M) Prof Tim Dornan/Prof Martina Kelly
Afternoon session:
13.00-14.30- How do you analyse data? - plenary presentation (M) Prof Tim Dornan/Prof Martina Kelly [3]
14.30-16.00- What research might I do and how might I do it? - group work (L) Prof Tim Dornan/Prof Martina Kelly
Day 3.
Morning session:
9.00-10.30- It isn't the sort of research I would like to do. Critical appraisal of published article (L) Prof Tim Dornan/Prof Martina Kelly
10.30-11.00- Rigour and theory - plenary presentation (M) Prof Tim Dornan/Prof Martina Kelly. [4]
Afternoon session:
13.00-14.30- Analytic networks - plenary presentation (M) Prof Tim Dornan/Prof Martina Kelly [5-8]
14.30-16.00- What have I learnt and what will I do? Plenary discussion (L) Prof Tim Dornan/Prof Martina Kelly
Session 1: Qualitative research: How rigorous analysis of words, rather than numbers,
can widen the scope of scholarly inquiry
Session 2: a) Sources of data; b) How to treat data - the individual vs the group
Session 3: Ways of looking at data: the role of theory and procedures
Session 4: Reflection on the day, learning points, and future intentions
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualitative_research. Last accessed 25 Nov 2024.
2. Dornan T, Kelly M. What use is qualitative research? Med Educ. 2017 Jan;51(1):7-9.
3. Carter SM, Little M. Justifying knowledge, justifying method, taking action: epistemologies, methodologies, and methods in qualitative research. Qual Health Res. 2007;17:1316–28.
4. McMillan W. Theory in healthcare education research: the importance of worldview. In: Researching Medical Education. Cleland J, Durning S eds. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell. 2015. Pp15-23
5. Braun V, Vlarke V. Thematic analysis. https://study.sagepub.com/thematicanalysis. Last accessed 24th Nov 2024
6. Kelly M, Dornan T, Ruparell T. When I say… understand. Medical Education. 2018;52(12):1223-4.
7. Sullivan P. Qualitative data analysis using a dialogical approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage; 2012.
8. Fairclough N. Language and power. Fairclough N, editor. Language and power. Harlow,UK: Pearson; 2001."
Professor Tim Dornan, Professor Martina Kelly
maximális létszám: 20 fő
További oktatók
Dr. Eőry Ajándék