Kurzus megtekintése

Kurzus megtekintése

Translational Aspects of Respiratory Medicine
Dr. Benyó Zoltán
Kórélettan és transzlációs medicina
SE Elméleti Orvostudományi Központ 3. szemináriumi terem
2025-02-05 16:30:00
The course aims to strengthen the translational clinical knowledge on basic physiological principles related to respiration. We aim to increase the critical thinking and understanding of the latest research results integrated with academic discussion with leading international experts to prepare students' ability to adapt to innovative healthcare challenges.
During the course, we summarize the essential aspects of cardiorespiratory adaptation in health and disease and through sports activities. The respiratory disease changes provide integrated information about the most critical respiratory disorders' physiological and pathophysiological background in light of cutting-edge research. We recommend the participation of PhD students interested in biomarker research, not limited to respiratory diseases.
oktatók: Dr. Lohinai Zoltán, Dr. Bikov András, Székelyné Dr. Gálffy Gabriella, Vadlerné Dr. Kerpel-Fronius Anna
Practical ticket, 20 test questions + writing 1 explanatory essay. We give you the opportunity to make corrections during the exam period.
Maximális létszám: 20 fő • Elmélet: 2 óra/hét
További oktatók
Dr. Benyó Zoltán