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Techniques for epigenetic analyses
EOK II. emelet OVI könyvtár
2022-02-10 16:30-18:00
Evaluation of the course: At the end of the course an assay should be prepared about an epigenetic experiment with detailed description of at least one technique (1-3 pages).
The assay should contain the following sections:
I. Introduction: significance of the chosen research topic, outline of the experiments
II. Methods: detailed technical description of the applied molecular biological method(s) emphasizing its novelty, applicability and potential limitations; bioinformatic analyses of the obtained epigenetic data
III. Results: presenting the most important results achieved in a real experiment or listing potential results (based on publications)
IV. Conclusions: discussing the results
V. References
The assays will be evaluated by the Organizers of the course. The grade „Acceptable” is given for suitable professional presentation in Hungarian language. Fort the „Excellent” grade a suitable professional presentation should be done in English.
In case of unacceptable assay, there is one possibility to correct it and resubmit it.
2/ Detection of histone modifications (experimental demonstration)
3/ Basic R programing for using program packages and useful genome browser tools (computer workshop)
4/ Next-generation sequencing: introduction
5/ Measuring global DNA (hydroxy)methylation (experimental demonstration)
6/ Epigenetic database mining: Getting information from the ENCODE and Roadmap epigenomics database (computer workshop)
7/ Site-specific DNA methylation assays: restriction enzyme and bisulfite-conversion based techniques (experimental demonstration)
8/ Non-coding RNAs as epigenetic regulators: data analyses from microarrays & RNA sequencing (experimental demonstration)
9/ Localizing active chromosomal regions (experimental demonstration)
10/ Studying chromosomal conformation and interactions, enhancer – promoter interaction databases
11/ Genome-wide DNA methylation analyses: Affinity based assays (experimental demonstration)
12/ Using genome-wide DNA methylation and gene expression data from GEO and GTex database, gene enrichment analyses (computer workshop)
13/ Experimental design of DNA methylation analyses in the association studies of complex inheritance diseases: population-based and twin studies
2019-01-16 00:00:00
+361 3826 790
Maximális létszám: 20 fő
More teachers
Dr. Arányi Tamás
Dr. Nemoda Zsófia