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Szolubilis alfa-klotho fehérje vizsgálata légzőszervi megbetegedésekben
Pákó Judit Erzsébet
Clinical Medicine
Dr. Reusz György
SE, Elméleti Orvostudományi Centrum, Hevesy György előadóterem
2024-05-09 14:00:00
Magyar Pál
Dr. Kissné Dr. Horváth Ildikó
Dr. Eszes Noémi
Dr. Lőrinczi Lilla
Dr. Benyó Zoltán
Dr. Horváth Gábor
Dr. Vizi Éva
1. Arcanum Digitális Tudománytár. Ki kicsoda az antik mítoszokban? [Internet] 2022 (cited 2022. Nov In rodent models, knockout of the klotho gene results in a set of symptoms characteristic of aging. Affected animals are retarded in growth, suffer from ateriosclerosis and soft tissue calcification, skin atrophy, gonadal dysplasia, infertility, osteoporosis, emphysema, develop severe hyperphosphatemia, and their lifespan is shortened. Klotho-overexpressing mice, on the other hand, have an increased lifespan. Klotho protein is primarily produced in the kidneys. Its mechanism of action is extremely diverse, consisting of paracrine and endocrine processes. As a co-receptor of FGF23, it reduces cirulating phosphate and calcium levels, as well as vitamin D3 levels, and inhibits aging of cells by blocking the insulin/IGF-1 signaling. It is a promising therapeutic target in chronic kidney failure, but it is suggested to have potential biomarker and therapeutic role in respiratory diseases, especially in the case of diseases characteristic of old age, such as COPD, lung cancer and OSA. In COPD, attention was mainly focused on the regulation of autophagy; in lung cancer, the inhibition of Wnt signaling, and increased oxidative stress in OSA. We investigated the between-day variability of plasma klotho concentration. In stable COPD patients, we assessed if there is a correlation between klotho level and the clinical condition, and whether the concentration changes after respiratory rehabilitation and general improvement. In lung cancer, we assessed whether klotho level changes, and if it is related to the type and severity of the disease. We investigated if obstructive sleep apnea affects the klotho concentration and if it correlates with clinical parameters of the disease. We found that between-day variability of plasma klotho concentration is 4.5%. The plasma klotho levels of stable COPD patients and healthy individuals do not differ from each other, and there is no correlation between the clinical parameters of the disease and the klotho levels, just as the klotho level does not change as a result of a respiratory rehabilitation program that improves patients’ condition. The circulating klotho level of lung cancer patients does not differ significantly from that of healthy ones, just as the concentration of the protein is not related to the type and stage of the disease. The circulating klotho level of OSA patients is significantly lower than that of healthy subjects, and it showed a correlation with parameters of nocturnal hypoxia.