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Modern measuring and research methods in experimental and clinical medicine (selected chapters)
Dr. Dézsi László
The Mechanisms of Normal and Pathologic Functions of the Circulatory System
SE Elméleti Orvostudományi Központ
2023-09-04 17:00:00
Detailed Program:
1. Introduction. Biomedical engineering (Dr. Dézsi). Design and safety requirements of biomedical equipments (Dr. Füzes)
2. General metrology. Basics of measurement and control theory (Dr. Füzes)
3. Computerized data acquisition and analysis. Telemetry systems (Dr. Dézsi).
4. Sampling of continuous signals. Digitizing analogue signals (Dr. Füzes)
5. Home monitoring of cardiovascular health status (Dr. Jobbágy). Determination of blood glucose and tissue glucose concentrations (Dr. Dézsi)
6. Experimental study of pulmonary function. Measurements of blood gases and the acid-base balance (Dr. Dézsi)
7. Investigating the electrical activity of the heart. Design of ECG amplifiers (Dr. Füzes)
8. Direct and indirect methods to determine cardiac output and peripheral blood flow (Dr. Dézsi)
9. Neurophysiological measurements (action potentials, brain stem evoked potentials) (Dr. Füzes). Measuring methods of speech and phonation. Phoniatrics (Dr. Bihari)
10. Adaptive processes in the cardiovascular system. Investigative methods in experimental angiology (Dr. Nádasy)
11. Measuring blood pressure in the lab and clinics (invasive and noninvasive methods) (Dr. Füzes).
12. Complement-related immunological and cardiopulmonary responses (CARPA) (Dr. Dézsi). Acute reactions during hemodialysis (clinical & experimental) (Dr. Pethő)
13. Studying brain function by functional imaging systems. The linear CT method (Dr. Füzes)
14. Experimental methods to study nociception (Dr. Dézsi)
Min. létszám
Modern measuring and research methods in experimental and clinical medicine (selected chapters)
Elective course for PhD students

Course Director:
• Dr. Habil. László Dézsi, Research Associate Professor of Physiology, Semmelweis University
Deputy Director:
• Dr. Iván Füzes, Dipl. Electrical Engineer, Master Teacher of Physiology, Semmelweis University
Invited Lecturers:
• Prof. Ákos Jobbágy, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
• Dr. György L. Nádasy, Associate Professor of Physiology, Semmelweis University
'• Dr. Adél Bihari, Medical Specialist, Hungarian Defence Forces'
'• Dr. Ákos Pethő, Associate Professor of Nephrology, Semmelweis University'
The purpose of the course: To review the theory and practice of modern measuring methods in experimental and clinical medicine, and providing practical knowledge to medical students on cardiorespiratoric and neurophysiological measurements. The course is based on but further extends the material delivered during the course of Medical physiology. Throughout the lectures we put an emphasis on potential methodological errors of measurements and examinations, as well as how to avoid them.
Acknowledgement of the course: Prerequisite of the course is having Physiology final exam. Regular attendance (maximum 3 absences) is required. Signature in the Index and 2 credit points will be awarded after successful exam. Source: material of the lectures, supplementary literature will be provided by the lecturers.
maximális létszám: 40 fő
2018-12-20 00:00:00
0620 666 3502
maximális létszám: 40 fő
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Dr. Dézsi László