Kurzus megtekintése

Kurzus megtekintése

Planning and pitfalls of clinical trials in cardiovascular surgery
Dr. Székely Andrea
Szív és érrendszeri betegségek élettana és klinikuma
Kardiológiai Központ- Kardiológiai Tanszék- C103
2023-09-20 13:00:00
Az elméleti órák tematikája
1. 1-4. Lesson: The types of clinical trials, statistical analysis, reading and rating publications, the role of consensus conference. (Lecturer: Székely Andrea-Kosztin Annamária-Takács Szabolcs)
2. 5-8. Lesson Special considerations in cardiological trials, the specialities of the heart transplanted population. The role and pitfalls of Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons Database, databases with small patient population. (Lecturer: Kovács Attila-Hartyánszky István)
3. 9-12. Lesson The specialities of paediatric data collection, congenital heart diseases. (Lecturer: Székely Andrea-Prodán Zsolt-Lex Dániel)
4. 13-14. Lesson The role of psychosocial factors in the outcome of patients undergoing cardiac surgery (Lecturer: Székely Andrea-Balog Piroska)-
A gyakorlati órák tematikája
1. 1-4. Lesson project work: The processing and re-voting among the students of an already publicised consensus conference, analysing the results and presenting in writing.
2. 5-8. Lesson project work: The discussion and supplementation of a trial that was planned by each of the students, pitfalls (right ventricular reserve study, role of biomarkers, usefulness and pitfalls) – presentation of echocardiography
3. 9.-12. Lesson project work (place: GOKI paediatric cardiac surgery) The student try to plan a clinical trial for a paediatric cardiac surgery population and correctness and pitfalls of that.
4. 13-14. Lesson Planning a study with psychological tests and analysis of the results. Frailty.
The student will receive the details of a clinical trial, and also understand the role of evidences, planning, the methodology of basic clinical and statistical analyses. He will get a critical and systhematical view into the cardiac surgical researches including the planning, methods of data collection, processing, mining and analysis data These methologies will be discussed in the adult and pediatric cardiac anesthesia, surgery and intensive care. The student will receive matrials and knowledge about the planning of adult and pediatric studies with short and long term follow up including psychosocial research and cardiac echocardiography.
2018-07-23 00:00:00
maximális létszám: 20 fő
További oktatók
Dr. Székely Andrea