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Előadástechnikai workshop I.
Dr. Hegyi Péter
Központi szervezésű kurzusok
2023-12-05 08:00:00
Within the framework of the course, students can deepen their practical knowledge of presentation techniques. The course is closely related to the compulsory courses of the translation medicine program. The presentation of the intermediate results of the PhD work during the course with the help of the acquired methodological knowledge is strongly encouraged, so the students can get useful professional feedback as well. The course will be held in two 8-hour blocks. The students taking the subject participate in the exercises divided into 3 groups, here they present themselves in the following form, listening to each other and commenting:
1. Scientific progress, presentation of results between students in 10 minutes
2. Limited discussion, professional questions asked by the course leader and supervisors, in 5 minutes
3. Open discussion time in which other students can ask professional questions in 5 minutes
4. Feedback from the course leader
5. Understanding by course leader and supervisors with a focus on lecture technique and professional relevance
6. Feedback to other students
The feedback is followed by a discussion. The second block of the course will follow the same structure. The main aspect of the completion of the course is the development in the areas identified during the evaluation.'
helyszíne: 1085 Budapest, Baross utca 22. Irodaház fszt.
2021-07-29 00:00:00
maximális létszám:130 fő
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Dr. Hegyi Péter