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Hungarian Startup University Program I.
Dr. Ferdinandy Péter
Központi szervezésű kurzusok
Short description of the course:

The Hungarian Startup University Programme (HSUP), an English-language online university startup training programme organised by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH), is launched at Semmelweis University.

The HSUP is a two-semester e-learning course (self-paced via the programme's web interface or mobile app), with the first semester focusing on innovative thinking and learning about the startup world, and the second semester on practical skills for building a business.
In the first semester, 7 theoretical modules and a related final module exam have to be completed, as well as a one-pager presenting a startup vision, business model and implementation team for an entrepreneurial idea.

Detailed topics for the first semester:
1. Introduction to the startup world
2. Idea generation
3. Market research and product development
4. Marketing basics (4P), pitch
5. Sales start-up business models
6. Financial planning
7. Legal and HR basics

The modules are expected to be available on the HSUP e-learning platform from October 2024.
A 7 modulzáró vizsga sikeres teljesítése, illetve egy “one-pager” (innovatív ötletet megadott szempontok szerint, egy oldalban bemutató dokumentum) beküldése.-pager” (innovatív ötletet megadott szempontok szerint, egy oldalban bemutató dokumentum) beküldése valamint egy 3 perces pitch videó elkészítése.
a kurzus időpontja várhatóan: 2024.október
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Dr. Ferdinandy Péter