Kurzus megtekintése

Kurzus megtekintése

Translational medicine scientific writings
Dr. Varga Gábor
Központi szervezésű kurzusok
2025-02-24 08:00:00
Completion of Systematic review and meta-analysis in science and clinical practice I. (DI00110KVA_1A).
Scientific writing is not just writing about science; it is the technical writing that scientists do to communicate their research to others. Scientific writing is predicated on the rigors of scientific inquiry, so it must reflect the same precision as that demanded in the research process. Scientific communication demands precision (the precise use of words and phrases), clarity, and economy. This distinction is an important one because the writer is communicating highly technical information to others who might, or might not, be as knowledgeable. Many journals have international audiences, so precise communication helps prevent misunderstandings and mistranslations in other contexts. Communicating facts, figures, and methods used in research––as well as the description of the results––has to be precise. Therefore in our course, we aim to give an insight into the basics of scientific writing, focusing on clinical research methodologies. Scientific writing is also important when applying for a grant therefore, in the second part of the course we intend to focus on grant applications."
további oktatók: Gábor Varga, Szilárd Váncsa, Rita Nagy, Marie Engh, Brigitta Teutsch, Alexander Schulze Wenning, Mahmoud Obeidat, Anett Rancz
Students will be registered on the CTM MOODLE platform: https://elearning.tm-centre.org/edu
További oktatók
Dr. Varga Gábor