Modern Trends in Pharmaceutical Scientific Research
SE I sz. Patológiai és Kísérleti Rákkutató Intézet, Arányi Lajos előadótere
2025-02-05 11:00:00
oktatók: Dr. Alberti Ágnes, Dr. Csernák Orsolya, Dr. Fejős Ida, Dr. Gampe Nóra, Dr. Riethmüller Eszter
'1. week: The complexity of herbal medicines. Herbal products regulations. 2. week: Activity, safety and quality of herbal medicines. 3. week: Plants and the nervous system. 4. week: Plants and the cardiovascular system. 5. week: Plants and metabolic diseases. 6. week: Plants and the renal system. 7. week: Anti-inflammatory plants. 8. week: Plants and the respiratory system. 9. week: Plants and the reproductive system. 10. week: Plants and the liver and biliary system. 11. week: Plants and the digestive system. 12. week: Plants and the cutaneous system. 13. week: Adaptogen plants. 14. week: Medicinal plants in the prevention and complementary treatment of cancer. '