Kurzus megtekintése

Kurzus megtekintése

Literature searching, efficient publishing strategy
Dr. Vasas Lívia
Központi szervezésű kurzusok
2025-03-03 08:00:00
The aim of the program “Literature searching, efficient publishing strategy” is to discover all of the relevant traditional and uptodate scientific resources, to form the relevant competencies, to support the analyse of result items, to work out of the efficient publishing strategy
1st module
VPN access, Remote database access
The role of Artificial Intelligence in medical research, dissemination. Application of language models (ChatGPT, etc.)
Semmelweis Knowledge Base
Open Science, Open Access
Introduction: Homepage of Central Library

2nd module
Keywords for research topics, currently used sources
Programme of the course, requirements, expectations
Dissertation databases
Scientific journals: types of publications, structure of scientific publications
Printed versus electronic edition, open access, video journal

3rd module
Reference managers:
For beginners: how to export and import records in EndNote (eg. from PubMed, Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus databases)
- EndNote online and EndNote desktop,
- literature searching
- data handling: creating groups, filtering duplicates
- creating bibliography in Word based on the collected data of reference managers using Cite While You Write (CWYW) application
- Mendeley, Zotero: export/import options, creating folders/groups, filtering duplicates, using web application, and Word plugins

4th module
Evidence Based Medicine - Cochrane Library
WHO homepage, International and Hungarian statistical data
EBSCO: CINAHL with Full Text, PsycINFO; EBSCO Discovery Service

5th module
Editing MTMT datasheets, listing identifiers, organizing your own publications

6th module
Introduction of bibliographic and citation databases:
Web of Science (Core Collection), Scopus, Dimensions, Google Scholar
- Searching of bibliographic items and citations based on keywords
- Value-added services
Author IDs: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus ID, Google Scholar ID etc.

7th module
Journal quality, Scientometrics: Impact Factors (IF),
SCImago SJR, CiteScore
The basic of literature searching:
National Library Medicine, Entrez-databases, PubMed, analysis of a record Registration - value added services, my NCBI, advanced search, Boolean operators, MeSH browser, PMC, PubChem etc.
ProQuest Central
Efficient publishing strategy

8th module
Searching for information and scientific literature on the Internet.
Exploration and usage of scientific internet resources: introduction to specific search engines; deep web exploration, application of meta- and graphical search engines, introduction to semantic search.
Introducing Open Access bibliographic databases (Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar).
Creating “toolkit” to interactive scientific communication; RSS, wiki, blog, Podcast and scientific file sharing (SlideShare, SlideServ), as well as demonstrating the usefulness of scientific social networking; ResearchGate, Publons ID, Academia.edu, MedShr etc.
Discussion on the basic requirements (form and contents) of the final exam presentation with consultation
The role of Artificial Intelligence in medical research, dissemination. Application of language models (ChatGPT, etc.)

9th module
The time for consultation in relation to the presentation shown on the modules (online or personal attendance)

Exam: PPT presentations (online or personal attendance) April-May 2024
A kurzus külföldi hallgatók számára van meghirdetve. A korábbi 'Methods of literature research' (DI0013KVA_1A kódú) kurzust sikeresen elvégzett hallgatók, valamint magyar nyelvű képzésen részt vevő hallgatók nem vehetik fel.
2002-08-02 00:00:00
maximális létszám: 150 fő
További oktatók
Dr. Vasas Lívia