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A CFTR anioncsatorna extracelluláris régiójának a csatorna működésére gyakorolt hatása
Simon Márton András
Molecular Medicine
Dr. Enyedi Péter
SE Elméleti Orvostudományi Központ, Beznák Aladár terem
2023-05-24 10:00:00
Cellular and Molecular Physiology
Dr. Hunyady László
Dr. Csanády László
Dr. Varga Zoltán
Dr. HegedűsTamás
Dr. Enyedi Péter
Dr. Czirják Gábor
Dr. Mike Árpád
CFTR anion channel mutations cause the lethal and incurable disease cystic fibrosis (CF). Gating of phosphorylated CFTR is driven by ATP binding/hydrolysis at two nucleotidebinding domains, and exhibits ‘bursting’ behavior: groups of openings (state O) separated by short ‘flickery’ closures (state Cf) form ‘bursts’ (state B) that are flanked by long ‘interburst’ closures (state Cs). The human (hCFTR) and zebrafish (zCFTR) orthologues represent roughly the two ends of CFTR molecular evolution and possess different gating properties and differences in their structures. CF mutation hR117H decreases anion conductance and accelerates pore closure but does not affect opening rate. This suggests that position 117 moves late during the interburst-burst conformational change, and that the hR117 side chain stabilizes the B state. In the ATP-bound phosphorylated CFTR structure the hR117 side chain forms a strong H-bond with the hE1124 backbone carbonyl group, but that bond is absent in the ATPunbound, unphosphorylated structure. We aimed to investigate whether the hR117–hE1124 interaction stabilizes the O state. In non-hydrolytic backgrounds single-channel and macroscopic inside-out patch-clamp recordings allowed quantitation of gating-associated changes in interaction energy between the target positions through thermodynamic mutant cycles. We found that mutation hE1124Δ accelerates closing rate and decreases intraburst open probability similarly to mutation hR117H, but no additivity was observed in the hR117H-E1124Δ mutant. These findings reveal that the hR117/hE1124 interaction stabilizes exclusively the O state. In the outward-facing zCFTR structure that H-bond is not observed, and we found that zR118H mutation in zCFTR has no functional effect. Instead, we discovered a H-bond between the zN120 and zS109 side chains of ATP-bound phosphorylated-, but not ATP-free unphosphorylated zCFTR. Using functional experiments, we confirmed that zS109 indeed forms a H-bond with zN120, but the bond is formed exclusively in the Cf state. In hCFTR a bond between the analogous positions cannot form, as an isoleucine (hI119) replaces the asparagine. Surprisingly, mutation hS108A produces a strong hR117H-like phenotype, and the effects of these two mutations are not additive. In conclusion, in zCFTR the zS109-zN120 interaction stabilizes the Cf state, whereas in hCFTR the hS108-hR117-hE1124 interactions cooperate to stabilize the O state