The clinicopathological implication of biomarker expression diversity in specific regions of colorectal tumours and their corresponding metastases
Ágoston Emese Irma
Pathological Sciences
Dr. Matolcsy András
SE Belgyógyászati és Onkológiai Klinika, Simonyi terem
2024-05-06 14:00:00
Alterations of Cells, Fibres and Extracellular Matrix and Diagnostic Pathomorphological Studies in the Course of Heart and Vascular Diseases and in Certain Tumours. Experimental and Diagnostic Pathomorphological Studies
Dr. Kiss András
Szász Attila Harsányi László
Dr. Kukor Zoltán
Dr. Landherr László
Dr. Ondrejka Pál
Dr. Dede Kristóf
Dr. Szücs Ákos
Objectives: This study aimed to perform a detailed analysis of selected CRC samples and consecutive metastases to evaluate the frequency, heterogeneity, prognostic, and predictive potential of various biomarkers.
Methods: Selected regions of CRC specimens and corresponding lymph nodes, and/or liver metastases were evaluated using tissue microarrays and immunohistochemistry. Different biomarkers such as MSI, PTEN, and tumour infiltrating immune cells and immune checkpoint markers of colorectal cancer patients were investigated. The study also performed an immune panel gene expression assay on 12 primary tumours and 12 liver metastases.
Results: There was no significant difference in MMR status between tumour regions and lymph nodes, however in 14 cases, there was a difference between the primary tumour and liver metastases. MMR status was not found to have prognostic or predictive values. For stage II and III CRC treated with 5-FU, there was no significant difference in MMR status between MMS and MSI tumours. The main tumour region showed an elevated count of natural killer cells, mature B cells, and PD-1+ expressing cells in comparison to metastases. A significant decrease in B cell counts was noted with an increase in the number of metastatic lymph nodes. Advanced lymph node metastasis was correlated with higher leukocyte counts, particularly T cells. A set of eleven immune-related genes exhibited differential expression between primary tumours and liver metastases. Additionally, modifications in the innate immune response and the tumour necrosis factor superfamily pathways were observed. The Dako and CellSignaling PTEN antibodies stained the cytoplasm, while the Neomarkers PTEN antibody stained the cell nuclei. PTEN expression was significantly lower in patients with mKRAS (exon13). Although PTEN expression decreased in colorectal cancer, neither of the three PTEN antibodies used demonstrated a significant correlation with clinicopathological data, nor did they have any prognostic value.
Conclusions: Although our findings offer a deeper understanding of the role of certain biomarkers in CRC, further investigations are necessary to obtain more accurate information regarding their precise involvement in tumour initiation and progression, as well as their potential role in therapeutic interventions.